Euskampus isotipe

01/ Team

Operational team
of Euskampus

Euskampus Fundazioa has a multidisciplinary and versatile operational team with a great capacity for responding to the challenges taken on by the foundation.

Igor Campillo Santos

Igor Campillo Director

I am in charge of designing and implementing Euskampus Fundazioa’s strategy and overall performance.

I have dedicated the last few years of my career to promoting the Euskampus Campus of International Excellence (CEI), first from the UPV/EHU and since December 2011 from my position as Director of Euskampus Fundazioa. I have worked on designing an approach for the Euskampus Fundazioa that would consolidate and systematise the core activities of the Campus of International Excellence project since it was completed. I have also focused on diversifying the Foundation’s activities, exploring new and highly complex areas and working with trans-disciplinary cooperative dynamics with systemic approaches. I am passionate about academia, science, technology and their relationships with our evolution as a society and as a species.

I have a degree and a PhD in Physics from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). I qualified as a University Expert in Scientific Journalism and Communication at the National Distance Education University (UNED).

I have worked as a lecturer in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics at the UPV/EHU Faculty of Science and at the UNED (1998-2000), an international project engineer at Gamesa Energía (2000), a researcher and project manager at LABEIN-Tecnalia (2000-2006), a lecturer at the University of Deusto (2002 - 2003), a project and communication manager at CIC nanoGUNE (2006-2009), manager of the nanoBasque Agency at SPRI (2008-2009) and director of the Technology Institute of the University of Deusto - DeustoTech (2009-2011)..

I have written 80 international scientific articles indexed in the Web of Knowledge and I am the author of 3 patents. I coordinated the Atom by Atom and Passion for Knowledge congresses, held in Donostia-San Sebastian in 2009 and 2010, respectively.

I am passionate about reading, and sometimes I think up and write my own stories. I am constantly learning, keeping an open mind, trusting and hoping for the best, and I am driven more by curiosity than by utility. I have never thought that science is incompatible with spirituality, such as Zen meditation or similar techniques and contemplative practices. I like to swim and go on bike rides. I prefer the countryside to towns, but, from time to time, I like to stroll through and enjoy everything that large cities have to offer. And finally, but no less important, I am the father of four children with whom I share everything I enjoy.

Jordi Campas

Jordi Campàs Deputy Director

I have a PhD in Economics from the University of Social Sciences of Toulouse, and since 2016 I have had the privilege of working for the Basque Government, first as Director of Economics and Planning in the Department of Economy and Finance and then as Deputy Minister of Economy and European Funds in the same department. Over these six exciting years I have had the chance to work as an economist, both in the field of economic analysis and in the implementation of economic policies linked to the promotion of public investment as an engine of growth and prosperity. No less exciting were the previous five years at Euskampus Fundazioa, where I returned in May, and where I was able to design and launch the Poles of Knowledge initiative in the deployment of the International Campus of Excellence and the seeds of the current Missions and Knowledge Communities programme. For this I was able to draw on my 10+ years of experience in the field of consultancy for both companies and public administrations in the design and development of public policies in the field of innovation and business development. Alongside my work as a consultant, I taught economic policy at the University of Deusto for two years.

Beyond my professional activity, rugby is undoubtedly my great passion. It is a sport that I still play today in both the veteran, inclusive and touch modes, and the fact is that you don't give up rugby because you get old, but you would get old if you stopped playing rugby.

Katixa Peigneguy

Katixa Peigneguy Euskampus-Bordeaux

I am responsible for the dynamics of the Bordeaux-Euskampus Campus, the strategic programme created from bringing together excellence initiatives led by the UPV/EHU (Euskampus) and the University of Bordeaux (IdEx Bordeaux).

I have a degree in Political Sciences from Sciences-Po Rennes and a master's degree in Public Management from Sciences-Po Bordeaux (France). I have been involved in a variety of territorial development projects covering different areas (science, technology and innovation, entrepreneurship, training, etc.) since I began my professional career. These projects include inter-cultural cross-border dynamics (essentially Spanish-French ones) and international dynamics focusing mostly on New Aquitaine and the Basque Country where I have worked in various consultancy capacities. I have never stopped “navigating” through these regions, and even more so now in the position I have held since I joined the Euskampus project in December 2011.

I was lucky to have grown up in a cross-border area (French Basque Country) and I suppose that is why I was always fascinated by this mixture of remoteness and closeness between Bilbao and Bordeaux. In a region where several languages are spoken, different cultures and/or ways of seeing or doing things are intertwined. So similar yet so different, these areas offer great opportunities and wealth in all aspects, so many of which are yet to emerge and be explored by the students, researchers, institutions and companies that are already settled here or that will "pass through”, attracted by the potential. I am passionate about contributing to “detecting” and “triggering”, learning about and promoting these opportunities, transforming them into tangible projects in the fields of training, employability, entrepreneurship, research and innovation, regional commitment, international marketing and positioning, and the 4 backbone initiatives of the Euskampus-Bordeaux project.

For this reason I feel comfortable in my role as a facilitator, as the “connector” and “bridge” between individuals and organisations, and between university, institutional and business actors who can gain so much from knowing each other, getting together, building together and collaborating on being the best at an international level.

Itxaso Etxebarria Lekanda

Itxaso Etxebarria Communication and Multilingualism

I am Head of Communication and Multilingualism at Euskampus.

I have been part of the Euskampus team since 2012, where my versatile and multi-lingual profile have allowed me to take on challenges of a varying nature and complexity; challenges such as taking part in collaborative research for the Knowledge Hubs, in particular the Heraklito Hub for Global Communication and coordinating our international meetings, such as Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna.

I have a degree in Philosophy and Literature (English Studies section) from the University of Deusto. I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour. I have a master's degree in Foreign Trade from the Elkano School of Business Studies (UPV/EHU), a master’s degree in Business Management from the Bilbao School of Engineering (UPV/EHU) and I am an Euskalit Evaluator. I recently completed a European master’s degree in Multilingualism and Education at the UPV/EHU Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology, a master’s degree run by the Donostia Research Group on Multilingualism and Education (DREAM). My current area of research is focused on multilingualism as a tool for social cohesion, exploring tools and dynamics that facilitate the construction and sharing of plural identities. At the moment II am a doctoral student in the Language, Education and Society program,

I have lived in Hollister (California, USA), where I finished my secondary education studies, in the UK, where I worked as the head of student courses and stays, and in France where I went to university.

On a professional level, I have been a lecturer at the Secretarial School of the University of Deusto and at the Bilbao Chamber of Commerce, the UPV School of Engineering and for various companies and public administrations (Provincial Council of Bizkaia, BBVA, Petronor, among others). These were very rewarding years, as teaching brings meaning to your work, which is usually not socially recognised as much as it should be, but when this teaching is vocational it provides a lot of internal benefits.

After almost 7 years in Public Administration as Deputy Municipal Archivist and Member of the Getxo Town Council Quality Committee, I worked as a consultant for Estrategia Local and EUDEL, implementing innovation agendas in Basque town councils in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.

I am fascinated by multilingual studies in the different structures of reality that we experience, the curious nature of differences in sociolinguistic perspectives, and the potential to explore methodologies that apply the diversity of languages and their implicit cultural burden, and perhaps that is why I continue to study. I am always aware of the emotional exchange of socio-cultural profiles that surround us and their interpretations.

I am a huge fan of ‘spinning’, and I love going on bike rides; it helps me to disconnect and bring my endorphins up. Do I have a secret passion? Music, in all its versions, and of course the beauty that nature has to offer us every day for free, and being able to enjoy this privilege and show it to my 3 children.

Julieta Barrenechea

Julieta Barrenechea Euskampus-Bordeaux

As I am responsible for projects linked to education and employability, I am employed by both Euskampus Fundazioa and the University of Bordeaux to develop collaborative projects linked to the Bordeaux-Euskampus Campus. Within this framework I am responsible for the Ocean Experiences-Sokoa Fort Campus Project which is a new commitment to making the cross-border space shared between the two universities tangible, in order to develop training, research and development that are strongly rooted to the smart specialisation dynamic of Ocean Experiences.

I have a degree in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, a master’s degree in Science and Technology Management from the UPV/EHU and a PhD also from the UPV/EHU. I have developed my professional career both in academic research and in research-intervention projects with a particular focus on studying, developing, assessing and monitoring collaborative knowledge networks.

As far as training and employability are concerned, I have coordinated programmes aimed at promoting entrepreneurial culture and student empowerment in higher education. Exploring approaches to educational innovation and combining them with reflection on new forms of knowledge and science-society links has allowed me to take part in creating innovative training contexts and experiences that have put the real dynamics of a “University with and for Society” programme into practice.

One of the key concerns of my work is bridging the gaps between science and society in order to develop collaborative and horizontal knowledge dynamics where mutual learning and the possibility of co-creation take place. My daily life as a cross-border worker and as a member of two institutions that are also committed to these collaborative paradigms and to developing universities that are strongly rooted in their regions has given me the opportunity to face the challenge of understanding and bringing heterogeneous realities together, a challenge that I enjoy and have learned a lot from.

Raquel Tabarés

Raquel Tabarés Financial Controller

As Financial Controller, I am responsible for the Foundation’s economic and financial management.

I have a degree in Business Administration from the UPV/EHU, which I complemented with post-graduate studies in International Accounting, later earning the title of Accounts Auditor. My professional life started in education. After teaching at the UPV/EHU Faculty of Business and Economics, I subsequently stepped into the auditing world. As an auditor I was able to understand the reality of many kinds of companies, from cooperatives to foundations, associations, and even large international groups and I carried out both auditing and consultancy work, allowing me to develop a versatile profile. This profile proved very useful in my later role as Chief Financial Officer. Continuously improving myself and learning have guided the paths I have taken in both my professional and working lives.

 I would say that I am a simple person, who enjoys the little things in life, and reading is one of my greatest joys.

Ruth Mayoral López

Ruth Mayoral Tailored Programmes Manager

I am the manager of Tailored Programmes of Higher Education at Euskampus Fundazioa and I am responsible for devising and implementing programmes that promote transversal cooperation between stakeholders, and the transfer of skills between the University and the social and economic fabric of our region. More specifically, I am responsible for the operation of the 4gune and KSIgune clusters.

I have a PhD. in Sociology (UPV/EHU (2021)), a degree in Sociology (UPV/EHU, 2009), and I completed a master's degree in Youth, Studies, Research, Policies and Profiles (UPV/EHU, 2010). My doctoral thesis was part of the “Models and Areas of Research in Social Sciences” programme, led by Imanol Zubero and focused specifically on urban transformation and the potential of local trials from creativity for the reorientation of these transformations. 

Over the past ten years, my professional career has been linked to the island of Zorrozaurre in Bilbao, which is currently undergoing a comprehensive transformation. During its transition from a post-industrial peninsula and district into an island of services, we have been developing an in the meantime philosophy, which is supported by practical efforts that have become a benchmark for different international initiatives. This transition has also been publicly recognised by private and institutional awards. My involvement in managing an institution has been essential in my ability to drive projects and create transdisciplinary networks between all types of organisations.

In 2019, I decided to reinvent my professional career to harness the potential of my abilities by following a path that is linked to the university in its most pragmatic aspects. Now I can continue to contribute and work with teams and projects with a high social impact. That same year, I was fortunate enough to start working with the incredible Euskampus team.

In life, as in work, I am committed to trusting other people’s vision and performance, I am passionate about positivity and the desire to learn and improve, and I strive to focus on what builds or favours critical thinking. Diversity, collaboration and respect. Keeping my word. My favourite places to (dis)connect are the pool and our family vegetable garden in La Rioja.

Miriam Ruiz Yániz

Miriam Ruiz Head of Cooperative Research and Innovation

I am the Head of Cooperative Research and Innovation, where I coordinate and streamline the Euskampus Knowledge Hub communities and cooperative actions.

I joined the team in January 2020, taking on this new phase of my professional career with great enthusiasm. It is focused on providing value to the Euskampus Trustees and the Basque Science Technology and Innovation System through a project aimed at invigorating the invaluable R&D&I capabilities of the Basque Country in general, and the Euskampus community in particular.

Over the past 10 years I have overseen the programmes and the internationalisation of the General Foundation of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) through various approaches: by devising, implementing, and coordinating various initiatives to support the internationalisation and transfer of knowledge among researchers and facilitating collaboration between science and society, without neglecting to monitor and measure their impact. During this period I have carried out studies on research capacities in an attempt to identify trends. Furthermore, I have been responsible for the economic and financial management and communication and dissemination of various projects aimed at fostering collaboration between different actors of the R&D&I system by the different research groups. I have also organised workshops and collaborative projects for specific issues to catalyse public and private collaboration.

I have a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Deusto and I was awarded a scholarship by Bizkaia Provincial Council, which allowed me to study a post-graduate degree in EU Political Sciences and Law at the Catholic University of Leuven (UCL). Thanks to this grant, I began my professional career in the field of international consultancy (Technopolis Innovation Group), where I spent the first years in Brussels, travelling around the world and carrying out my job in English and French.

Several years ago, I began a PhD in Economics and Innovation Management, which I try to combine with my job.

My previous experience has exposed me to the great differences between actors in such different environments and cultures as market-driven companies, the demands of academia and research, and the service vocation of public sector institutions. I see these differences as an opportunity to identify complementary features that result in high-value synergies.

I am a very active person, I strive to be well informed and to learn constantly. Happiness lies in the greatness of little things. I love playing sports and spending time with my family and friends, enjoying the outdoors or the cultural offer of wherever I am at any given time. Travelling is always a good way to disconnect, gain perspective and open the mind.

Ibon Iturriaga Uriarte

Ibon Iturriaga Head of Research Programmes

I am Head of Research Programmes. My job at Euskampus is to design, implement, monitor and assess programmes and projects that are drivers, collaborative and have a potentially high impact in the Basque science, technology and innovation system as a whole, and on the socio-economic fabric of the Basque Country.

I have a degree in Economics from the UPV/EHU, specialising in Mathematical Economics. I obtained accreditation in research proficiency and a Diploma in Advanced Studies in Economics and Public Finance also at the UPV/EHU, and during this time I was a pre-doctoral intern of the Basque Government. I completed my PhD courses in contingent valuation and welfare economics at the University of Gothenburg. Subsequently, I did an executive master's degree in Competitiveness and Regional Development at the University of Deusto.

Before working as a consultant, I was an associate lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies in Sarriko, where I taught Microeconomics and Game Theory. Later, in parallel to my consultancy work, I was a lecturer in Economic Policy at the University of Deusto (La Comercial).

I have spent most of my professional career working in consultancy, in the areas of regional development and science, technology and innovation, at several companies such as Socintec, Azertia, Indra and Minsait.

During this period, I took part in designing strategies for the government such as science, technology and innovation plants, university plans and RIS3 strategies. I have also worked in strategic consultancy in the public sector, developing specific strategies for companies and cluster organisations.

Linked to implementing these strategies, I worked on devising plans to start up scientific and technological infrastructures and instruments to support R&D&I, and on developing a wide range of projects to respond to challenges related to collaboration, internationalisation, attracting investors and taking part in several programmes at once. 

Completing the public policy cycle, I have carried out different monitoring, evaluation and impact analyses of innovation systems, organisations and instruments.

I love to learn. I like science, technology and innovation.


Ander Barreiro Strategic Projects Manager

Although I was born in Bilbao and have deep roots in Bakio, I spent most of my childhood and youth outside the Basque Country. I studied Business Administration and Management at ICADE (Madrid) and earned a master's degree in Management at ESCP Europe (Paris).

After I completed my academic studies, my next step was clear: to return (at last) to the Basque Country. I started my professional career in the consultancy sector. To start with, I conceptualised, designed and implemented solutions for different entities and organisations within the Public Administration and then went on to take responsibility for ensuring that projects linked to multiple technological and business environments were properly executed for large companies in the utilities sector (Iberdrola in particular).

In between, I worked at the BBK Foundation, as part of the Chairman's office, preparing analyses and studies aimed at strategically (re)positioning the institution in the areas of its activity (social work, the banking business and managing industrial holdings). I am a curious and reflective person, who enjoys learning and analysing why things are the way they are.

I love reading, and consider it to be essential when it comes to understanding the world and understanding oneself. I work hard at balancing my personal and professional life and there is nothing I enjoy more than spending time with my family.

Glória Nunes Rodrigues

Gloria Nunes International Manager

I joined Euskampus Fundazioa in June 2021 with the aim of supporting and promoting the internationalisation of Euskampus’ education, research and innovation activities. I am actively involved in the  ENLIGHT European University Alliance, in particular in the implementation of impact-related tasks. As International Manager, I am also helping positioning the Foundation in multiple European partnerships. 

I trust “people” as a key driver for a better society. Whatever our origins, beliefs, profiles and interests, if we share with others the best we have, are open to different points of view and are committed to making a better planet for future generations, our societies will be better. It was the desire to understand and promote the spaces where this could occur that led me to study Political Sciences and International Relations and later to embark on an international career.

My academic journey began in Portugal, my home country. I graduated at Nova University (Lisbon) in Political Sciences and International Relations and obtained an International Diploma from the Paris Institute of Political Studies. From Paris I moved to Brussels, where I lived for more than 13 years. I spent my first few years there as a student at the Institute of European Studies of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB), where I studied for a master's degree in European politics. Later, I worked as a trainee researcher in various trade union organisations, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament and a cooperation and development consultancy.

After a brief period at the Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos Internacionais - IEEI in Portugal, I returned to Brussels to join the European Wind Energy Association (now WindEurope). I was involved in implementing several EU-funded projects and multiple research initiatives on climate policy, the environmental impact of wind energy, maritime spatial planning and employment created by the wind energy sector.

I worked for 6 years at the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission, specifically in the “European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), University Business Cooperation and Entrepreneurial Education” unit, providing policy support and advice to the EIT and helping to promote synergies and complementarities between the EIT and other EU education, research and innovation initiatives.

I moved to the Basque Country in 2017, firstly as a Research Adviser at the University of Deusto, where I was in charge of the Platform for Strengthening Participation. I was also in charge of promoting the social impact of Deusto's research activities, a task I currently carry out for Euskampus Fundazioa, at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. 

I love reading, walking and contemplating the sea. I do Pilates and spend my free time with my family and two children.

Iñigo Puertas Paz

Iñigo Puertas Impact Manager

My job title is Impact Manager at Euskampus, and I am responsible for developing and promoting the impact management strategy within the organisation.

I have a degree in Social Work, a master’s degree in Ethics for Social Construction from the University of Deusto and in 2020 I did a PhD in Human Rights, specialising in assessing the impact of organisations from an ethical perspective.

I joined the team in July 2020 and took on the challenge of developing and strengthening the skills and abilities that I have acquired in the field of assessing the impact of organisations.

Previously, I worked at the University of Deusto as a lecturer on the Social Work degree and on the Social Work and Social Education double degree, teaching subjects related to Quantitative and Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences. As part of my relationship with the University of Deusto I was also involved as an expert and educator in the field of business ethics. I also have professional experience in the field of social intervention, more specifically with people at risk of social exclusion.

I love to learn and take on new challenges. I like to spend my free time reading, writing, and enjoying new experiences, especially cultural ones, that will inspire me and stimulate my personal growth.

Cécile Agullo

Cécile Agullo International Projects Officer

I have a degree in Literature and Foreign Languages and a master's degree in Foreign Languages and International Trade from the University of Tours, and I started my professional career in Spain in the field of communication and marketing.

Back in Bordeaux in 2007, I worked as an export manager at a communication agency, which led me to take a professional turn, moving to the French Basque Country to become self-employed in the image (photography) sector for almost 10 years.

Living in a cross-border area, and wanting to take part in developing relationships and exchanges in the Basque-Aquitaine region and being passionate about multiculturalism, in 2018 I decided to go back to my studies,  to take a master's degree in "Cross-border and inter-territorial cooperation" at the University of Pau Pays de l'Adour (UPPA-Bayonne).

In 2020, I joined the team of Euskampus Fundazioa and I am currently an International Projects Officer, besides that, since 2021 I have been working  as part of the Laboratories for Trans-border Cooperation (LTC) programme.

Lorena Vega Project Officer

I am part of the Higher Education Programmes team at Euskampus Fundazioa, and I provide operational support to the 4gune and KSIgune clusters, among others.

I am an international project manager with more than 10 years experience in public, non-profit and private organisations in countries such as Spain, UK and Uruguay. My experience in global multi-stakeholder partnerships is steadily growing, and I have contributed towards defining and executing strategic communications and processes, advocacy campaigns, multilateral projects, and large-scale events. Building alliances and networking has been an important part of the projects in which I have been involved, as well as liaising with a wide range of entities, multicultural actors and multidisciplinary groups.

I have a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communications of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and I have additional training in areas such as social communication, sustainable development, governance, education and gender equality, among others. I am a multilingual professional, and I enjoy using and learning different languages.

On a personal level, I am committed to actively raising the profile of women's roles and contributions to society as a whole, to inclusive language, and to advocating for equal rights and opportunities. In my free time I like to travel, visit natural environments whenever possible, enjoy live music, and above all, spend time with my family and friends, as I am always organising celebrations of some kind or another.



Markel Romano Project Officer

I am a Project Technician in the area of Cooperative Research and Innovation at Euskampus Fundazioa. Born in Vitoria-Gasteiz, I graduated in Political Science and Public Management with a major in International Relations, as well as a Master's degree in Development and International Cooperation.

My professional career has been linked to the world of market research, data analysis and sociological research; which has given me an analytical vision and enabled me in project management.

On a personal level, I like to practice sports, but also to follow them, especially motor sports, where innovation is the most powerful tool. I am also passionate about the video game industry and new technologies.


Garazi Aspe Project Officer

I joined the Euskampus team in 2024 as a Project Officer to support the IKUR 2030 Strategy project. I graduated in Business Management from the UPV/EHU and I continued my academic career by studying the Master in Business Management from the Innovation and Internationalisation,  also at the UVP/EHU.

Until now,  my professional career has been linked to technology consultancy in the areas of "Business Process Solutions" and SAP. On a personal level, I like to travel, go hiking and I always find time for reading. I consider myself a curious person who enjoys the process of learning.


Maitane Magro Communication Officer

My story with communication became official in 2016 when I started a degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the EHU/UPV. Following this academic path, I immersed myself in the world of communication, discovering creativity, graphic design, visual arts and copywriting. In the third year I decided to move to Tilburg (The Netherlands) with the ERASMUS+ programme to continue to specialise in graphic design, learn in a new socio-cultural context and challenge myself. It was an unforgettable experience that reaffirmed my passion for the visual arts.

On my return, I wanted to delve deeper into creativity and started my first internship as an advertising designer at an agency. The project started as an initiative to promote women in the creative field. From the synergies created as a team during that time, we obtained a Youth Entrepreneurship Grant from the EHU/UPV, which helped me build up the perseverance and self-demanding nature of carrying out a project as a freelancer.

As communication is constantly evolving, I have continued my academic and professional training in design. Over the last few years, I have completed a certificate in Graphic Product Design and worked as a graphic designer and community manager in a graphic and web design studio.

At Euskampus Fundazioa, as a Communication Officer,  I devote myself mainly to creating graphic and audiovisual content related to the foundation's communications and all of the projects  that make up Euskampus. I also help in designing and developing the foundation's advertising strategy and its different projects as well as in the offline and online communication. In the future, I would like to continue my education in various areas of design, art direction and creativity.

Apart from the digital world, sometimes I like to switch off and go back to analogue. I love painting, making ceramics and creating collages, and if it is with my friends, surrounded by nature, so much the better

Albert Conejo Administration Officer

I have a degree in Economics from the UPV/EHU, and I completed my training with a postgraduate degree in Financial Management, Control Management and Taxation at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

My professional life has practically always been linked to multinational companies, passing through numerous departments within them, which has allowed me to develop a versatile profile and even obtain a Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention. These diverse experiences have made me grow professionally, making me a very versatile person.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, reading and scuba-diving. I am currently studying a module of Sports Technician in scuba diving (in Kirolene, Durango) and from April 2025, in principle, I will be a diving instructor. Translated with (free version)

Uxune Martinez Mazaga

Uxune Martinez Mazaga Director of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit - UCCI

I graduated in Sociology and Political Science from Deusto University. Subsequently, I specialised in the management of human resources thanks to the Advanced Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management (MARHUM) at the UPV/EHU; in documentation management through training by the Basque Association of Professionals in Archives, Libraries and Documentation Centres (ALDEE) and in organisational communication, after obtaining the ADITUKOM Degree from Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

I have worked as a media analyst in the field of communication (Hiru Komunikazioa). I have been responsible for the Inguma database (UEU) for more than ten years, collecting scientific production in Basque and I have worked on the development of the Tesiker database (Basque Government - Department of Culture and Language Policy), which collects doctoral theses written in Basque, among jobs. I have been responsible for scientific dissemination at the UCCI Euskampus Fundazioa and I am currently in charge of this unit. At this unit, we manage the digital media, its network activity and the programme of activities of the Chair of Scientific Culture. Our work has the following objectives: to raise visibility and disseminate the scientific production of our environment, disseminate the results of research, promote interest in science and, above all, provide citizens with the tools and knowledge to help them in their daily decision-making.

I teach scientific communication on the UPV/EHU Scientific Illustration Master's Degree and I have taught social media for scientific communication on the Master's Degree in Scientific Culture at the UPV/EHU and the Public University of Navarra.

César Tomé López

César Tomé López International Projection Manager - UCCI

I am in charge of international reach at Euskampus Foundation’s Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) and I am the editor of two digital media: Cuaderno de Cultura Científica (Spanish) and Mapping Ignorance (English). I also write for these media regularly, especially referencing DIPC and BCAM work.

I hold a degree in Chemical Sciences (Industrial Chemistry, University of Granada) and I also have a Master’s degree in Neuroscience and Behavioural Biology (Pablo de Olavide University). I have spent most of my career working in various industrial sectors: chemical, metallurgy, plastics, paper and food. I started as a research and development technician and then went on to occupy a managerial position, first a sales manager and then head of business development, holding the rank of general manager. I have conducted business with more than 40 countries across 4 continents. I also hold a PMD (Programme for Management Development) from UCM-Alcoa and I am a qualified Foreign Trade Director by ICEX- Ceco.

In 2006, I began to devote my free time to writing a popular science blog, Experientia docet, which achieved a certain degree of success. I took my career in a different direction and started to collaborate with the newly created Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU in 2012. Then, in 2015, I took up my current position, where I work on international dissemination of scientific culture and Basque science (in Spanish) and the promotion of the research results of BERCs (in English). I also teach on the Master’s degree in Scientific Culture at the UPV/EHU-UPNA.

I like to read, think and learn. Especially, but not limited to, history of science, philosophy and economics. I often reread 19th century British literature, especially Jane Austen.

Ziortza Guezuraga

Ziortza Guezuraga Digital Communications & Events Manager - UCCI

I was born on a sunny Saturday in summer and now I work communicating science at the UPV/EHU Chair of Scientific Culture. Mainly scientific dissemination, social media and event management. I also teach on the UPV/EHU-UPNA Scientific Culture Master's Degree. I also write and edit content, collaborate on the radio and in a couple of media outlets and I do whatever is thrown at me.

How did I get here? Well, I left Barrika, passed through Bizkaia, spent some time in Dublin and I landed here a few years ago. During this time, I studied. I graduated in journalism with a mention in Communication Management from the UPV/EHU. I studied a Master's Degree in Multimedia Communication at the UPV/EHU-EITB and did a few courses on communication, web design and digital marketing. I also learnt Basque, Spanish and English.

And I worked some more. I have been in charge of communication and corporate communication. I have worked in internationalisation, trade missions and also in digital marketing. I have worked in the field of culture, in a film festival and in an audiovisual cluster.

And from there, to science? It turns out that between studying and working, I also got involved in scientific and environmental issues: I am a senior technician in environmental health. And here I am.

Enara Calvo

Enara Calvo Digital Communication Officer - UCCI

Expert in online communication and head of projects in the youth area of the Chair in Scientific Culture at the UPV/EHU. I coordinate projects like Naukas Kids and Ciencia Clip, initiatives to bring science to young people.

I am a graduate in Journalism with a distinction in Communication from the UPV/EHU. I have worked with the Chair in Scientific Culture since 2017, coordinating Ciencia Clip, a competition to foster the dissemination of science among young people.

Combining work and study, since 2012 I have taken part in projects aimed at younger people. To broaden my knowledge in this field, I have taken different training courses. These include Erasmus+ Involving Everyone, to give minors tools for integration in their leisure and free time. In 2019, after working as a supervisor and manager on projects on different kinds, I started teaching on the course in supervision.

Bittor Alonso

Bitor Alonso Head of Media - UCCI

I am the Head of Media for the UPV/EHU Chair of Scientific Culture and the link between the Chair and journalists.

Having graduated in Journalism from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (2006), I studied a Master’s Degree in Business and Political Communication at Camilo José Cela University (2015) and some years later, I have returned to the UPV/EHU to carry out a thesis as part of the Society, Politics and Culture PhD programme.

Throughout these years, I have combined continuous training with my job as a journalist. This professional experience has enabled me to understand different areas of communication.

I have worked in media, such as the radio or written press, for more than a decade but I have also had the opportunity to discover another aspect of communication during my professional career. More specifically, that of communication adviser, designing communication strategies, solving communication crises and helping people to overcome their fear of public speaking.

Now, I am embarking on a new phase, in which I will be able to apply all of this experience in the Chair of Scientific Culture.

Historic Personnel

  • JONE ESPILLA Project  Analyst
  • ARANE ALTUNA: Administration and Services.
  • PhD ELENA URDANETA,  Director of Cooperative Innovation
  • PhD EKHI ATUTXA , Research and Programmes Manager
  • LEIRE FOLGOSO: Bizkaia Katedra Project Manager
  • PhD JORDI CAMPÁS : Poles of Knowledge Manager, Collaborative Research
  • ESKARNE ARREGUI:  International Projects Manager.
  • PhD SUSANA SANCHEZ GIL : Sciencemetrics and Bibliometrics Analysis Manager
  • CRISTINA JUESAS :  Outreach Manager.
  • ITZIAR JORGE: Communication and Marketing Manager.

Historic Internship contracts

  • Lorea Díez.  Degree in Publicity and Public Relations. Internship in Ocean i3 project.
  • Irune Zabala.  Degree in Publicity and Public Relations. Internship in Ocean i3 project.
  • Ane Miren Bidaurratzaga.Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship and Business Management. Internship in communication.
  • Asier Lekue Zabala.Master’s Degree in Social Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Ibai Zurimendi Unzueta.Master’s Degree in Corporate Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Javier María González Gómez.Degree in Journalism. Master’s Degree in Social Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Jessica Mendoza Redrobán.Degree in Business Administration and Management. Master’s Degree in Auditing and Advanced Accounting. Internship in financial administration.
  • Irati Armentia Arana.Degree in Business Administration and Management. Master’s Degree in Business Management from an Innovation and Internationalisation Perspective. Internship in financial administration.
  • Josune López García. Degree in Business Administration and Management. Master’s Degree in Business Management from an Innovation and Internationalisation Perspective. Internship in financial administration.
  • María Pulido Estébanez. Degree in Business Administration and Management. Postgraduate Degree in Auditing. Internship in financial administration.
  • Cristina Díaz de Alda Olasola. Master in Corporate Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Nancy Fernández Somoza.Master’s Degree in Corporate Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Pedro Irusta Mendieta.Master’s Degree in Corporate Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Paula Amieva Clemente.Master’s Degree in Corporate Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Erik Blanco Alonso.Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. Internship in communication.
  • Elisabet Pérez Gamboa.Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. Internship in communication.
  • María Castro Martínez de Icaya. LBachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. Internship in communication.
  • Maria Grazia Tremolizzo.Master’s Degree in Corporate Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Jon Etxebarria Montalbán.Degree in Business Management. Master’s Degree in Business Management from an Innovation and Internationalisation Perspective. Internship in financial administration.
  • Jon Urrutia. Grado en ADE.Degree in Business Administration and Management. Master’s Degree in Tools of Economic Analysis. Internship in financial administration.
  • Orge Luvin Castellano Parra. Master’s Degree in Social Communication. Internship in communication.
  • Mikel Lekue Pérez.Degree in Business Administration and Management, Master’s Degree in Business Management from an Innovation and Internationalisation Perspective. Internship in financial administration..
  • Iñigo Salaverri Esturo.Degree in Business Administration and Management. Master’s Degree in Business Management from an Innovation and Internationalisation Perspective. Internship in financial administration.
Euskampus isotipe

02/ Executing the mission

as an organisation

Euskampus Fundazioa has a set of competences as an organisation that are required to carry out its mission:


Transformational leadership in complex environments.


Management of interdisciplinarity and academic co-operation.


International intercultural skills and management of linguistic differences, raising awareness of this diversity as wealth from a global perspective.


Command of international metrics and standards for higher education and academic activity.


Measurement of the impact and social value generated by operational programmes.


In-depth knowledge of the different collaborative research cultures and dynamics.


Command of higher education, research and innovation programmes and public policies.


Discretion and diplomacy in the management of differences.


Facilitation of cooperative processes by means of face-to-face and on-line sessions.


Design and management of face-to-face and on-line events and seminars, focusing particularly on multilingualism and promoting it.


Multilingual dissemination of science and technology contents with a social projection in multiple formats.

Euskampus isotipe

03/ Work with us

Would you like to work
with us?

You will have the opportunity to take part in a collaborative research project with great international potential.

Work with us

You will be part of a multidisciplinary group, or you will be able to join the Foundation's core team to develop co-creation and connection functions in line with the Euskampus mission.

We encourage people to enjoy their job and develop their professional career to the maximum. Work becomes a passion at this institution, which is a catalyst for transdisciplinary and multi-agent collaboration that aims to promote the co-leadership of its strategic partners in territorial development and its international reach, inducing local responses with a high socio-economic value to global challenges.

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