Action research aimed at developing a large-scale service in the Basque Country for cancer patients based on the integration of physical exercise, nutrition and psychological support.

After the first experience with the Euskampus Resilience Covid-19 program in 2020, and within the context of its 2030 Strategic Plan, Euskampus launched its Mission Program. In 2021, "Misiones Euskampus 1.0" was introduced to promote more resilient societies and the sustainability and valorization of oceans. In 2022, the "Misiones Euskampus 2.0" program aimed to explore and leverage AI as a key development factor to address major challenges in areas such as personalized medicine, circular economy, responsible consumption, clean energy, or more just and advanced societies. Now, in 2023, we are launching the Euskampus ONKO-ON Mission.

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The ONKO-ON Mission has a dual purpose:

  • Generate scientific evidence to corroborate the positive impact (enhancement of conventional treatments, improvement in quality of life, lower comorbidity, and increased survival) on cancer patients through multiple intervention protocols that include and integrate physical activity, nutrition, and psychological support.
  • Design, develop, and deploy a comprehensive service (or service models) to accompany cancer patients, empowering them as active agents in their treatment and evolution process. The service should be sustainable, equitable, and scalable within a value-based medicine context. This service (or service models) can be provided by a public, private, or public-private entity.


To implement this Mission, Euskampus proposes the launch of various calls and processes to identify and activate agents and interest groups with whom to design and develop a work plan. In 2023, a first call is planned, the ONKO-ON Mission Call 2023, with the aim of initiating a process to receive "expressions of interest" within the Euskampus entities to generate and promote a broad, diverse, and interdisciplinary team of researchers from these entities to participate in and contribute to the development of the Euskampus ONKO-ON Mission.

  • The general description of the call and the general participation requirements can be downloaded here.


  • The project application form is available here.


Proposals can be submitted until December 11 at 2:00 PM to the email address misiones@euskampus.eu.

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