Iñigo Puertas (Responsable de Impacto en Euskampus Fundazioa) y Miren Artaraz, Directora de Política y Coordinación Universitaria del Gobierno Vasco, en la presentación del artículo “The impact assessment in university-business collaboration programs: a practical experience in the Basque Country Ecosystem”

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2023 UIIN CONFERENCE: Advancing the future of University-Industry engagement

The annual UIIN (University Industry Innovation Network) Conference, held in Budapest on 9th, 10th and 11st May, brought together in its eleventh edition more than 500 people from 60 countries to participate in the largest global event dedicated to the University-Industry interaction, entrepreneurial and engaged universities and the future of Higher Education.

On 9 May, in the first session after the opening ceremony, under the title “Innovation and entrepreneurship in European University Alliances”, Igor Campillo, Director at Euskampus Fundazioa, and Glória Nunes, International Manager at Euskampus Fundazioa, presented the case study “ENLIGHT: Towards an Impact-Driven University”; where the work carried out by the Impact Task Force of the ENLIGHT alliance was explained.

On the second day of the Conference, 10 May, Iñigo Puertas, Head of Impact at Euskampus Fundazioa, presented “The social responsibility of the university: impact management as a key element of the university strategy”: a presentation on the key elements to be considered so that impact assessment becomes a fundamental tool of the university's responsibility strategy.




Lastly, on 11 May, Iñigo Puertas and Miren Artaraz, Director of University Policy and Coordination of the Basque Government, presented the article “The impact assessment in university-business collaboration programs: a practical experience in the Basque Country Ecosystem”, a contribution prepared by the speakers together with Ruth Mayoral, Head of Higher Education Programmes at Euskampus Fundazioa.

Both the presentation material and the article will soon be available on UIIN website. For the time being, you can find more information about the presentations at the Schedule section.

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