• Actualidad

Bordeaux- Euskampus in the 2018 Novatris Working sessions in Mulhouse, France. 10-13 April, 2018

With the slogan “Let’s make the university without frontiers”, Julieta Barrenechea and Itxaso Etxebarria, representing the University of Bordeaux, the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU and the Euskampus foundation, are currently attending the annual working sessions NOVATRIS, Centre of Cross-borders Competences of the University of Haute Alsace, France.

This edition (program here) will feed the European university concept in definition process and contribute more specifically to develop the european dynamics engaged with Eucor- The European Campus, not only in the programs of mobility, but also in research, education and innovation. With the aim of pursuing with this project and also of succeeding in making the interculturality and multilingualism a priority challenge in the consolidation and development of their collaboration networks.

An opportunity to do  benchmarking for the Bordeaux-Euskampus Campus. Let’s learn from other initiatives within the European framework!

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