• Actualité

Nouvel appel pour les laboratoires de coopération transfrontalière

New call for LTCs Cross-Border Cooperation Laboratories is open.

Application submission deadline for new LTCs is open until April 30, 2021.

Since 2015, different Cross-Border Cooperation Laboratories (LTC) have been developed within the Campus Euskampus-Bordeaux space with the aim of generating an institutional framework so that the research teams of the Basque Country and Bordeaux can work together. This framework aims to promote the creation of cross-border research communities, in which junior and senior researchers, students and technicians participate, who will be able to move from one laboratory to another without limits or borders and share the same vision and the same program.

Only one LTC will be selected per year, and this may be announced at the Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna.

See full text and access to downloadable documents for application presentation.


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